Many are relying on somebody else for the hope they have been longing for, which is in itself as foolish as building ‘houses of cards’ that can and will very easily collapse with devastating loss in the not too distant future! The Lord Jesus is our only hope!...
To have a safe and secure hope; the kind of hope that enables us to go through trials with steadfastness, we must know well the foundations upon which our soul is anchored....
And so, here we are on the threshold of a brand New Year. What will 2025 bring to us? We can be certain of this one thing - no matter what will happen, whether or not we are to pass through periods of suffering and trials, there will always be a cause to rejoice....
Was there ever a gift more precious than the indescribable One God gave to the likes of you and me? How unworthy we are to receive such a Gift. If God was waiting for us to be worthy of such a Gift we all would miss out forever!...
I thought how extravagant God is, almost to the point where we would consider Him being wasteful, for the want of a better expression. How good is He to bless all of us so abundantly, even though we don't realise it or even appreciate His lavish giving most of the time....
We are intimately acquainted with the God Who knows and cares about us as a loving father would do, but infinitely greater. If you should find yourself facing ‘the trial of your life’, please be encouraged that He who promised to be with His people always will not forsake you now!...
Who would have known that we would have been cut off as it were from normal living for a season? If we had known that something like this was gong to happen, we would have done everything we could to avoid such a thing happening in the first place. But God knew! And that made all the difference....
The Lord Jesus is the sweet resting place for all of His believing people, because He is the One with Whom we can be perfectly at home with. He is the believer’s refuge and liberty, and so much more....
Psalm 23 has to be one of the most beloved passages of the Bible. The comforting words cover the diverse aspects of our lives. If we can truly say that “The Lord is my Shepherd”, we will truly know that every need of ours is fully met, and we will want for absolutely nothing... no matter what!...
What the Lord Jesus accomplished on the cross has brought about so much more than what our minds are hardly able to fathom! His suffering included for His trusting people the honour of being brought into a relationship with Him....
God desires people like you and me to live in the good of knowing Him personally! God desires for us to be filled with His fulness in and through His Son Jesus....
Right in the centre of the past and anticipated future Jesus, the Son of God was suffering and dying for our sins. Oh, what a burden He bore! How could we ever fathom such tremendous love and mercy?...
"O how sweet it is to call Him mine!" says the hymn writer. The desire of God's heart is that you might personally appreciate the fact that 'I am His, and He is mine... forever'. Oh, that you knew my beloved like I know Him, then your heart would rejoice and be at perfect peace and rest. 🧡...
If we ‘press on’ faithfully, looking to Jesus, we can take courage with His anticipated joy in our hearts that we will be with Him very soon. The end of the journey is just on the horizon … joy awaits!...
The Lord Jesus is the bearer of many names. Each name representing a certain characteristic of His incredible personhood. Whatever our need, He is able to meet us in it. Saviour from our dreadful sin, guide and companion through life's journey, Lord and lover of our soul ... and so much more!...
Almighty God has the masterplan to deliver people in the grasp of the enemy. Not just One innocent Man for three wretches, but One sinless Man for the whole world!...
We know if God has been faithful to His people Israel, we can rest in His faithfulness to us His trusting people also, no matter what is happening all around us....
Being a member of the race of people called ‘sheeple’ is not such a bad thing ... depending on who we are following!...
Each of us, no matter how long we have been walking with the Lord have something we have learned of Him to treasure forever, and He gives us the opportunity to share those things with others who may be in need of the things we have learned....