*~~ From My Youth ~~ (Postal Bible School)
From My Youth
“The LORD said in his heart,
I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake;
for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth …”
Genesis 8: 21
There comes a time in the life of individuals when a decision is made concerning the Lord and His ways. Choices are made, which usually set up our course and manner of living from then on, and this usually happens at the time of youth.
When a young man came to the Lord Jesus asking what good thing he could do to inherit eternal life, the Lord addressed the subject of the commandments concerning our attitude and conduct with other people. He replied “all these have I kept from my youth up” Mark 10: 20 & Luke 18: 21.
The young man had made a wise decision to choose this pathway. However this wasn’t enough to gain a place in heaven or give to him eternal life. His responsibility towards God was left unfulfilled. The Lord Jesus gave to him the opportunity to put matters right. Sadly we never read that the young man ever addressed the issue after leaving the Lord sorrowful because “he had great riches”, (or rather, they had him!)
Let us for a moment consider Daniel who “Purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank …” Daniel 1: 8. This was written about Dainel when he was just a youth! It would have been so much easier for him and his companions to conform with the orders of those who were in authority, but to do this would have meant he would have to disobey God. He chose to obey and honour his God and God honoured Daniel and his friends in return. He didn’t wait a lifetime to pass before making this wise choice.
In a lifetime there would have been many opportunities
to have made mistakes which he would have bitterly regretted.
Daniel knew enough about His God to know that his every need would be taken care of, and it was!
What then is the secret to making wise choices for life’s direction? The Bible asks the very same question and gives to us the perfect answer:
Q - “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? ..."
A - "... By taking heed thereto according to thy word." Psalm 119: 9
A - “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee”. Psalm 119: 11.
The book of Proverbs written by Solomon, and was written for the sake of his son in order to instruct him is the ways of the Lord. What a mine of wisdom is to be found in these writings.
There is a super abundant store of His riches and grace
awaiting the soul that makes the choice to follow the Lord Jesus closely.
Remember it is God who exists and promises to reward all those who diligently seek after Him. (See Hebrews 11: 6)
Why not now, dear young believer?
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