HOPE - The Anchor of the Soul

Hope is a gift that is given,
To those who on life's stormy seas,
All battered by waves, and wind driven -
It gives to the weary soul ease.
Our Anchor we have is in Jesus -
The Answer to all life does send.
Our Faith reaches to Him to save us
And steady our paths to the end.
Precious - the Words He has spoken,
Founding our faith in their power.
And sure is His promise unbroken
To be with us each day, and each hour.
Even if doubts are assailing
And trials may come, as they do!
Our Anchor will keep us from failing,
And shelter us all the way through.
This is my most recent poem compiled especially as a preface for a booklet called
'HOPE, The Anchor of the Soul'.
I was invited to contribute content for this special booklet, created especially
to bring comfort and hope to people who are going through a time of suffering.
The larger text and simple thoughts
make it easy reading when it is difficult to concentrate.