But This Man
What kind of person could this be... of lowly birth and laid within a stall?
To whom the shepherds came, in humble adoration there did fall.
And wise men from the east of their gifts they brought before the Child.
To come so far as they, as some would say,
He must have been most worthy to travel as they did that extra mile.
'What kind of man is this?' we ask, 'that e’en the wind and waves obey His voice',
At once there was great calm and peace that made their fearful hearts rejoice.
And by the power of His Word a man from death was raised to live again.
There was no one like He, how could this be?
When we in all our weakness would have to leave our loved one and refrain.
When traveling through our lifetime here we often fall and often let Him down,
We can’t control ourselves, we are not of His kind, of his renown.
Our lives are often tempest tossed, so often we are swayed by every mood.
Our lives are stained with sin, just like our kin
Begun within the garden, in shame and guilt, In nakedness they stood.
They disobeyed and reached the hand and ate the fruit that opened up their eyes
Which was by God forbade, preferred they to believe the devil’s lies.
So from the garden they were sent way from all the best that God had planned,
Separated from their Lord was their reward,
And down throughout the ages the human race with fallen nature stand.
But This Man, sinless, spotless, pure, the Darling of God’s heart, did all things well,
And paid redemption’s price to stand us on the ground from which we fell.
This Altogether Lovely One, this Man brought unto God such great delight,
As He the gulf did span and brought to man
The Priceless gift so precious - “In Him” we are accepted in God’s sight.